Macedonian Journal of Ecology and Environment <h3>Aims and scope</h3> <p><span class="prored">Macedonian Journal of Ecology and Environment (MJEE) provides platform for international scientific community to publish advances in ecological and environmental sciences. Both, theoretical and experimental papers will be considered for publication. MJEE publishes original research papers in all aspects of ecology and environmental sciences. Studies in ecology may concern both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, plant and animal communities, interactions between organisms and their environment and biogeography. Original research in environmental sciences may concern environmental degradation and pollution (air, water, soil), sustainable development, natural resources management, agroecology, geoecology, risk/hazard assessment, toxicology, waste management, environmental protection, environmental radioactivity, environmental legislation, environmental management and environmental education. Papers describing solely technological or industrial processes are not to be considered. MJEE is published in two issues per year.</span></p> en-US <p>Macedonian Journal of Ecology and Environment applies the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International <img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Creative Commons License" width="60" height="20" /> license to articles and supplementary material we publish. If you submit your paper for publication to Macedonian Journal of Ecology and Environment, you agree to have the CC BY license applied to your work. Under this Open Access license, you as the author agree that anyone can reuse your article in whole or part for any purpose, for free, even for commercial purposes. Anyone may copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format as long as the author and original source are properly cited. This facilitates freedom in re-use and also ensures that Macedonian Journal of Ecology and Environment content can be mined without barriers for the needs of research.</p> <p>Author - the holder of copyrights is encouraged to sign and return the <a href=" form.doc"><span class="sivo">Copyright form prior to the publication of the scientific article. </span></a></p> <h5>Licencing:</h5> <p><span class="italic"><a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a><br />Macedonian Journal of Ecology and Environment is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>. </span></p> (Trajče Stafilov) (Slavco Hristovski) Tue, 02 Jul 2024 22:32:20 +0300 OJS 60 Isolation of soil microorganisms and their potential applications against phytopathogenic fungi <p>A contemporary substitute that shields the environment from the widespread issue of pesticide pollution includes biofungicides, natural, environmentally friendly, and biodegradable pest management solutions that are targeted at specific pest species and do not induce resistance in their intended targets. The Republic of North Macedonia, is still reliant on imports of these bioproducts until research is done on the inherent potential of its soil micro-communities. The purpose of this study was to isolate native microorganisms that show antifungal activity, as biofungicides are ecological bioproducts. The results showed that 80% of the 116 of isolates were from contaminated soils. The highest number of bacteria was found in Rudarsko energetski-kombinat-Bitola (REK) (15.67 x 104 CFUg-1) in the summer season and the lowest number in Bucim (2.8 x 102 CFUg-1) in winter. From the results obtained during the research, it can be noted that the number of microorganisms showed great seasonal variations and was influenced by the soil type. Out of 116 bacterial isolates, 45 exhibited antifungal activity against Monilinia fructicola, Aspergillus niger and Penicillium sp. in vitro. Isolates from contaminated soils showed greater antifungal activity. Antagonists B85, B86, B87 and B88 stood out by forming the largest zones of inhibition against phytopathogenic fungi. The collected test results show that four weeks after applying the individual isolates and its consortium, there was a drop in the number of phytopathogenic fungus in the soil-filled pots. Thus, it can be concluded that the obtained results can be used for further research in order to apply these microorganisms as biological control preparations, a source of green chemicals, as biostimulators for improving soil fertility, encouraging plant growth and reducing of pesticide toxicity.</p> Sofija Kostandinovska, Marija Velickovska, Marija Nikolovska, Simeon Nikolovski, Hristina Srpcanska, Dzoko Kungulovski, Natalija Atanasova-Pancevska Copyright (c) 2024 Sofija Kostandinovska, Marija Velickovska, Marija Nikolovska, Simeon Nikolovski, Hristina Srpcanska, Dzoko Kungulovski, Natalija Atanasova-Pancevska Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Assessing the efficiency of time-lapse cameras in collecting data on various life-history traits of two sympatric-nesting pelican species <p>Time-lapse cameras have been widely used in wildlife research in recent years to assist in data collection. Seven time-lapse cameras were installed on four Dalmatian pelican Pelecanus crispus and Great white pelican P. onocrotalus nesting islets at the Lake Lesser Prespa colony, NW Greece, during the 2015-2016 breeding period. The objectives were to assess the efficiency of this method in collecting data related to breeding phenology and breeding success, the seasonal and daily variation in attendance of adults of both species during the breeding season, the use of the islets by other bird species and mammals, and to document predation instances. We used Bushnell motion-triggered cameras, activated 24 hours a day, which also operated as time-lapse cameras, taking photos every half an hour during the daytime. At the end of the period, about 13,000 photos per camera were retrieved. Phenology dates documented with this method confirmed or enhanced results obtained with other methods. The attempt to estimate breeding success was not accomplished, due to the crèching behaviour of pelican chicks, combined with the inability to fully cover the nesting islets. Attendance of adult Dalmatian pelicans peaked from early February to early April. Respectively, attendance of adult Great white pelicans peaked from early April to early June. No significant differences were observed between day and night in attendance of either species. The islets also serve as a haven for Greylag geese Anser anser, mainly during the night for roosting and before the arrival of pelicans. At least four predatory mammals use the pelican nesting islets, but only prior to pelican arrival. The method is laborious and has various limitations and, although it provided some satisfactory results to our research questions, the effort involved is deemed excessive compared to other methods used for the same objectives at the Lesser Prespa Lake pelican colony.</p> Olga Alexandrou, Giorgos Catsadorakis Copyright (c) 2024 Olga Alexandrou, Giorgos Catsadorakis Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Moss biomonitoring of the distribution of chemical elements in the air in the Prespa region, North Macedonia <p>A study was conducted to investigate atmospheric deposition and to explore the natural distribution and possible contamination with potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in the Prespa region, North Macedonia, using moss samples as biomonitors for air pollution. The distribution of 19 chemical elements (Ag, Al, Ba, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Sr, V, and Zn) was detected in 11 moss samples from this area. The moss samples were analysed after microwave digestion using inductively coupled plasma – atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). R-mode factor analysis was used to identify and characterise the elemental associations, and four associations of elements were identified. Four factors were separated from the group of elements: Factor 1 (Fe-Al-Cr-V-Ni), Factor 2 (Sr-Ba-Mg), Factor 3 (K-P-Zn) and Factor 4 (Pb-Cu). All element factors were found to be typical geochemical associations, with the exception of the distribution of K and P in the agricultural areas of the study area where fertilisers are used over a long period of time.</p> Biljana Dimkova, Robert Šajn, Trajče Stafilov Copyright (c) 2024 Biljana Dimkova, Robert Šajn, Trajče Stafilov Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Decolorization and detoxification of synthetic azo dye wastewater by Enterobacter hormaechei MW584986 isolated from textile wastewater <p>Biotreatment of textile wastewater is a viable option and a promising strategy for its detoxification before its discharge into the environment. This study evaluated the ability of <em>Enterobacter hormaechei</em> isolated from textile wastewater to decolorize (degrade) trypan blue. It also identified and optimized conditions affecting both color removal and degradation processes of trypan blue using Central Composite Design (CCD) of Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Subsequently, Micro-toxicity assay was used to evaluate the detoxification of the dye by <em>Enterobacter hormaechei</em>, while generated metabolites were ascertained based on Chromatography-Mass Spectrophotometer analysis. <em>Enterobacter hormaechei </em>MW584986 effectively decolorized trypan blue synthetic dye wastewater within 24 h of incubation at 77.5% from the initial trypan blue concentration of 100 mg/L. Optimal conditions for maximum decolorization efficiency were determined to be pH 7.0, temperature 35°C, salinity 5‒7 g/L and glucose concentration of 10 g/L. Micro-toxicity test showed significant growth rate of <em>Chlorella vulgaris</em> in treated broth relative to the untreated sample at same concentration, indicating the breakdown of the compound into less toxic substances. GC-MS analyses of the decolorized broth showed degradation of azo dye into simpler substances by <em>Enterobacter hormaechei</em> MW584986. This study thus reports an efficient, cheap and environmentally safe textile wastewater treatment strategy.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Jude Chinwendu Echejiuba , Chimezie Jason Ogugbue , Ifeyinwa Sarah Obuekwe Copyright (c) 2024 Jude Chinwendu Echejiuba , Chimezie Jason Ogugbue , Ifeyinwa Sarah Obuekwe Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Reproduction and hibernation strategy of ground-beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) along altitudinal gradient <p><strong><u>ABSTRACT</u></strong></p> <p>Reproduction and hibernation strategies of ground-beetle community along altitudinal gradient on Belasica Mt. were studied. Ground-beetles were systematically collected at 14 different localities by pitfall traps, with monthly dynamics in the period April-November 2010. Four types of reproduction were registered: spring, autumn, spring-autumn and plastic reproduction and both types of hibernation: larva and imago. Dissimilarities in ground beetles’ assemblages between localities were analyzed with cluster analysis. Two groups of localities were registered. First group includes communities inhabiting lower parts, i.e. L1-L4 which were joined on approximately 0.78 % and 0.66% level of similarity (respectively), and the second one groups ground-beetles inhabiting upper altitudinal belt i.e. L7-L14, at 0.54% similarity level of reproduction and hibernation (respectively). Spring breeders as well as ground beetles with plastic reproduction dominated in the localities from upper altitudinal belt. Their abundance as well as the abundance of ground-beetles with adult hibernation was positively correlated with the increasing altitude. These two functional groups of the ground-beetle community are closely interconnected, as confirmed by almost identical dendrographs of the similarity of the carabidocenoses along the gradient.</p> <p><strong>Key words</strong>: functional traits, ground-beetles, climate change, mountain</p> <p><strong><u>&nbsp;</u></strong></p> <p><strong><u>&nbsp;</u></strong></p> <p><strong><u>АПСТРАКТ</u></strong></p> <p>Во трудот се прикажани резултатите од анализата на функционалните одлики репродукција и хибернација на тркачите вдолж височински градиент на планината Беласица. Тркачите беа колекционирани од 14 различни локалитети со примена на почвени замки, со месечна динамика во периодот април-ноември 2010 година. Беа регистрирани четири типа на репродукција: пролетна, есенска, пролетно-есенска и пластична, како и&nbsp; два типа презимување: во стадиуми ларва и имаго. Разликите во структурата на карабидоценозите од различните локалитети беа анализирани со примена на кластер анализата. Зависно од типот на репродукција и хибернација беше евидентирано постоење на две групи карабидоценози: првата група вклучува заедници кои живеат во долните делови, т.е. L1-L4 обединети на 0,78% и 0,66% ниво на сличност (соодветно), а втората група се однесува на видовите кои живеат во горниот висински појас, односно L7-L14, со 0,54% сличност ниво на репродукција и хибернација (соодветно). Во локалитетите од горниот висински појас доминираа видовите со пролетна и пластична репродукција. Нивната абундантност како и абундантноста на адултните презимувачи беа во позитивна корелација со зголемувањето на надморската височина. Овие две функционални групи на тркачите се тесно поврзани, што е потврдено со речиси идентичните дендрограми на сличност на карабидоценозите вдолж градиентот.</p> <p><strong>Клучни зборови:</strong> функционални одлики, ground-beetles, климатски промени, планина</p> Aleksandra Cvetkovska-Gjorgjievska, Slavčo Hristovski, Viktorija Bosheska, Angela Taseska Copyright (c) 2024 Aleksandra Cvetkovska-Gjorgjievska, Slavčo Hristovski, Viktorija Bosheska, Angela Taseska Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Plant species from the vicinity of an abandoned As-Sb-Tl Allchar mine, Kožuf Mountains, with special reference to the bioavailability of endemic species – A review <p>The Allchar mine, located in the southern part of North Macedonia, has a unique mineral composition. This locality is world-famous for its thallium minerals, but is also known for its large number of arsenic and antimony minerals. The rare plant species found at the Allchar locality, are of particular interest to scientists working on this topic worldwide. The following plant species described from the Allchar locality which are local endemics (stenoendemics) for this area, are of particular importance: Odontarrhena kavadarcensis (Syn. Alyssum kavadarcensis), Centaurea kavadarensis, Centaurea leucomalla, Galium kerneri, Knautia caroli-rechingeri, Onobrychis degenii, Thymus allchariensis, Viola alsharensis, Viola arsenica, and Viola × halacsyana. Rare Balkan endemic or relict species are also present in this locality, such as Alkanna noneiformis, Alkanna pulmonaria, Centaurea grbavacensis, Eryngium serbicum, Melampyrum heracleoticum, Ramonda nathaliae and other, while species from Allchar that are on the CORINE list of Macedonia are Viola arsenica and Ramonda nathaliae. Hyperaccumulator plants are able to tolerate extremely high concentrations of metals/metalloids in the soil in which they grow and accumulate high concentrations in the plant organs (roots, shoots and their leaves). Due to the specificity and enriched content of these potentially toxic elements in the soil, the above-mentioned local endemic plant species grow at the Allchar locality. The aim of this work is to give an overview of the results of the studies on these endemic plants and on the bioaccumulation ability of certain potentially toxic elements (mainly As, Sb and Tl) in relation to their mobility in the endemic plant species. The studies were initiated to determine the uptake and distribution of arsenic, antimony, thallium, and other potentially toxic elements in different plant parts (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and seeds) of these endemic species.</p> Katerina Bačeva Andonovska, Vlado Matevski, Trajče Stafilov Copyright (c) 2024 Katerina Bačeva Andonovska, Vlado Matevski, Trajče Stafilov Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Mapping and national assessment of ecosystems and their condition in North Macedonia <p>In 2020, North Macedonia conducted the first national assessment of ecosystem condition. The assessment fully adhered to MAES (Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services) working group guidelines and represents the first implementation study in North Macedonia, marking it as the first Southeastern European country outside the EU to conduct such an assessment. National team of 30 experts was established and worked on accomplishment of the first two steps from the MAES operational framework: i) map of the ecosystem types and ii) assessment of their condition. Ecosystem typology corresponds to the MAES Level 2 categories, while the Level 3 categories were modified in order to fit our data.</p> <p>Mapping was done by using the available CORINE land cover data, published and unpublished scientific data, however major work was done with analyses of satellite imagery which resulted in a detailed map of country’s ecosystems. The ecosystem condition assessment was done for 15 natural and semi-natural<br>ecosystem types. The anthropogenic and agricultural ecosystems were excluded from this assessment. Set of indicators was developed for each of the ecosystem types following MAES guidelines. In total, 16 indicators and 53 parameters were scored from 1 to 5 on specific scales. National and project data bases, as well as GIS tools were the main sources of data for the parameters. The majority of parameters were quantified, although some were evaluated based on their qualitative properties. It was followed by assessment on ecosystem services on national and local scale, accompanied by local scale implementation perspectives.</p> Marija Chobanova, Vasko Avukatov, Katerina Atanasovska, Natalija Melovska, Robertina Brajanoska, Marjana Shushlevska, Daniela Jovanovska, Vlatko Trpeski, Sashko Jordanov, Biljana Gicevski, Bogoljub Sterijovski, Lazar Nikolov, Metodija Velevski, Nikolco Velkovski, Sasho Petrovski, Boris Najdovski, Valentina Slavevska-Stamenkovikj, Vladimir Stavrikj, Srecko Gjorgjievski, Vladimir Djabirski, Renata Ćušterevska, Zlatko Levkov, Despina Kitanova, Aleksandar Stojanov, Ivan Blinkov, Mile Markoski, Jelena Hinić Jordanovska, Daniela Mitic Kopanja, Cvetanka Stojchevska, Sara V. Cvetanoska, Ivan Minchev, Sylvie Campange, Slavcho Hristovski Copyright (c) 2024 Marija Chobanova, Vasko Avukatov, Katerina Atanasovska, Natalija Melovska, Robertina Brajanoska, Marjana Shushlevska, Daniela Jovanovska, Vlatko Trpeski, Sashko Jordanov, Biljana Gicevski, Bogoljub Sterijovski, Lazar Nikolov, Metodija Velevski, Nikolco Velkovski, Sasho Petrovski, Boris Najdovski, Valentina Slavevska-Stamenkovikj, Vladimir Stavrikj, Srecko Gjorgjievski, Vladimir Djabirski, Renata Ćušterevska, Zlatko Levkov, Despina Kitanova, Aleksandar Stojanov, Ivan Blinkov, Mile Markoski, Jelena Hinić Jordanovska, Daniela Mitic Kopanja, Cvetanka Stojchevska, Sara V. Cvetanoska, Ivan Minchev, Sylvie Campange, Slavcho Hristovski Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300